miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015



The beach project 2016
Andalusian recipes
I'm all ears project
Saint Patrick's day
Peace day


The beach Project 2016:

Three years old class:Beach warning flags  

Year 1 class: Song "Animals in the ocean" 

Year 5 A: Fisherman's recipes "Cuttlefish with potatoes stew"




Year 5 B: Fisherman's recipes "Garlic wedge shells"


 Year 6 class: Mazagón tourist guide


Andalusian recipes:

Andalusian recipes 2013 by El Faro School-Mazagón

Andalusian recipes 2011, by Doctor Fleming School (Malaga) At Doctor Fleming School, we celebrated Andalusia day by preparing typical Andalusian recipes.
Year 5 cooked "Papas aliñás", check it out!

 Year 6 students have carried out a delicious recipe: Porra antequerana.

Year 4 cooked Pipirrana. Let's watch it!

My English project: a recipe
Years 5 A and B (2014) have prepared these delicious mini pizzas. Mmmm Yummy! We hope you like them as much as we have. Enjoy your meal!

In year 5b (2013) we have made a video of a mini pizza recipe for practicing cooking vocabulary: Enjoy your meal!
After filming the video we ate the ingredients and the mini pizza. They were delicious!

III Coeducation days (School Open Days 2015): Cooking pancakes

I'm all ears project:

I'm all ears project es un proyecto educativo imallearsproject.wordpress.com, que consiste en acercar la poesía en inglés al alumnado de primaria. En el CEIP El Faro, se trabajaron varios vídeos que puedes disfrutar aquí:
Year 1 did "Twinkle, twinkle, little star"

Tom Thumb's alphabet by year 5, El faro school (Mazagón)
Year 6 studied the poem "My love is like a red red rose"

Saint Patrick's day

Saint Patrick's day 2012


Doctor Fleming school-In Science, we have made a project about volcanos. Watch this video about it!

In year 6 of Doctor Fleming School (Málaga) we haver learned about electric circuits. Do you want to learn how to make them?

Peace Day

Peace day- song:We are the world (Michael Jackson), performed by 5ºB Doctor Fleming School (Málaga)


Hemos efectuado una "Photo story" con fotografías muy bonitas sobre paisajes y elementos de la naturaleza para que las dibujemos en clase de Educación Artística y Visual. Esperamos que os guste

Despedida de 5ºB del CEIP Doctor Fleming de Málaga

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